Steve Taylor
Not Mary
My favourite is where
one of my aunts, not Mary
always told the Tories
she was voting for them
but needed a lift
to the polling station
getting herself a Bentley
with cow leather seats
to deliver her
most comfortably
to democracy
then made her mark
for Labour
She’ll be for Jeremy
walking if necessary
The Quality of Dope
If you ignore the warnings
and put your head
inside the plastic bag
that’s carried skunk
all the way from Penrith
to Kilburn you end up writing
an endorsement like this. I’m
supporting Jeremy Corbyn
because he wouldn’t
put out the eyes of children
to further his ambition
and the others would
Steven was born and raised in Hyde, near Manchester. He lives in Kilburn, London. He has had over 500 poems published in various magazines and periodicals.
A History of the Labour Party
Prozac first, in ever increasing doses
and then Citalopram
in the same low dose, plus other things
I discovered for myself
by trial and error
I’ve been depressed since
I started taking drugs for depression
It could have been the other way round
It’s so long ago I forget
But it’s about time they
sorted themselves out
thistles stretch their prickly arms afar