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Phil Wood

Food Bank


The wooden hut, with a door in

and a door out, all made so strong

by them for us, comes with applause.


The bus-stop folk, the shop dwellers,

the subway tribe, the park benchers,

all came like rain swelling our cause.


The wooden hut, with a door in

and a door out, all made so strong,

floating our songs to their applause.


The bus-stop folk, the shop dwellers,

the subway tribe, the park benchers,

all came like rain without a pause.

Phil Wood was born in Wales, 1961. He found permanent employment in a statistics office after being made redundant in the shipping industry. Temporary work included teaching for N.A.C.R.O. He enjoys working with numbers and words. Previously published work can be found in various publications: The Centrifugal Eye, Message in a Bottle, Streetcake Magazine, London Grip, The Open Mouse, Message in a Bottle, Ink Sweat and Tears, The Recusant, The Stare's Nest.

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