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Philip Ruthen's extensive body of book reviews, articles, poetry and short fiction can be found in diverse places, including The Recusant & International Times; Todd Swift's Eyewear; Poetry Express e-zine from Survivors’ Poetry. Poetry collections: Jetty View Holding, Apple Eye Feat, Familial (all Waterloo Press). His collected short stories, feint ruled lines, and the political poetry pamphlet Test, Match, Day, Room: Jasper Ward -

The Sequence are now published via his new Waterloo Press imprint PalamidiPress; both are also available as Kindle E-editions.

You may buy trees for our reforestation program

for the Arcturos sanctuary, Nymfaio, Greece; not for the Troika



You may cover the daily needs of a wolf.

You may cover the daily needs of a bear.


We rely entirely on

The National Bank of Greece IBAN: GR69 0110 2100 0000 2104 8106 351 Swift Code: ETHNGRA A



Index content and perform

To carry out our actions:


The Wolf Sanctuary.


The Bear Sanctuary!


Remember - to send us the deposit slip

Remember - to send us the deposit.







Victoria, Police approach,

take photographs, leave,

doorways empty.

Philip Ruthen

Militant Thistles

Poor Doors
Sheriff Stars
Black Triangle
bedroom tax
Disrupt and Upset
bedroom tax
Sheriff Stars

thistles stretch their prickly arms afar

Black Triangle
Disrupt and Upset

Militant Thistles

prickling the politics of "permanent austerity"

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