Philip Ruthen's extensive body of book reviews, articles, poetry and short fiction can be found in diverse places, including The Recusant & International Times; Todd Swift's Eyewear; Poetry Express e-zine from Survivors’ Poetry. Poetry collections: Jetty View Holding, Apple Eye Feat, Familial (all Waterloo Press). His collected short stories, feint ruled lines, and the political poetry pamphlet Test, Match, Day, Room: Jasper Ward -
The Sequence are now published via his new Waterloo Press imprint PalamidiPress; both are also available as Kindle E-editions.
You may buy trees for our reforestation program
for the Arcturos sanctuary, Nymfaio, Greece; not for the Troika
You may cover the daily needs of a wolf.
You may cover the daily needs of a bear.
We rely entirely on
The National Bank of Greece IBAN: GR69 0110 2100 0000 2104 8106 351 Swift Code: ETHNGRA A
Index content and perform
To carry out our actions:
The Wolf Sanctuary.
The Bear Sanctuary!
Remember - to send us the deposit slip
Remember - to send us the deposit.
Victoria, Police approach,
take photographs, leave,
doorways empty.
Philip Ruthen
Militant Thistles