Laura Taylor
and overnight the world turned blue
and god cried tears of green and red
and no one said a bloody word
just stood and stared and sank beneath
the weight of the world turned blue;
and what was left of the NHS
kissed us all goodbye,
and full-time weeks were drawn and quartered,
structured for a blatant lie;
and human rights were to be stripped,
kicked and tortured out of sight,
and overnight the world turned blue
and god cried tears of green;
and collar colours came confused
amidst a wealth of rights refused
and youth will be the new backbone
to break beneath the cosh;
and fixed-up fear of immigration
becomes the new asphyxiation,
choking folk’s compassion
with a panicked narrative;
and overnight the world turned blue
and god cried tears of green and red
while TTIP lied and said it had
our best interests at heart;
so privacy is history,
while broken-jawed ‘democracy’
insists on profit, screaming
fat-cat policy diktat;
and 36 is 51, a skewed majority;
FPTP twisting choices
silencing the rainbow voices
by percent, by no PR;
so lift your eyes from dust to sky,
stand with neighbours, strangers, friends,
holding hands and unified,
and do not mourn, but organise,
and do not mourn, but organise.
Laura Taylor was born in Whiston, Merseyside, on 2 January 1968. has been writing and performing poetry since September 2010, and will continue to do so whilst injustices are wreaked against the poor and vulnerable.
63 years 7 months and 2 days
never fretting over rent or rates
or paying off a loan
63 years 7 months and 2 days
of never being repossessed
redundant or deposed
63 years 7 months and 2 days
never being threatened by a bailiff
or a judge or sanctioned by the state
for being poor
63 years 7 months and 2 days
never saving up for leccy bills
or running out of gas or being fazed
by the questions on a tax credit form
63 years 7 months and 2 days
of privilege and palaces
and ‘working very hard’ for me,
63 years 7 months and 2 days
of silver service curtsying
in country piles paid for by the nation;
held in trust for future unelected generations
63 years 7 months and 2 days
fancy that
lend’s a tenner
pass the hat
gis a job
or get elected
just a thought