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Heathcote Williams

from Revolution


Nonviolent direct action requires no-one’s permission

And, for dealing with capitalism’s beds of nails –

The spikes that are everywhere to deter rough sleepers –

Cans of concrete mix and the strategy fails.


Outside Foxtons, the upmarket Estate Agents,

There are rows of spikes to deter sleepers

So squatters delight in taking over Foxtons’ properties

To proclaim triumphantly, ‘Finders Keepers’.




In the nineteenth century the Rebecca rioters

Objected to tollgates “confining the rabble”.

They distracted the constables standing guard with a play

While they turned the tollgates into rubble.


Likewise the Luddites sneaked under the radar,

Disguising themselves in female dress,

They then took hammers to the mechanical looms

That were sacrificing them to ‘progress.’




In 1871 the Paris Commune declared Paris

To be the site of a “permanent festival”.

With their autonomous liberated city still haunted by the guillotine

This was considered more preferable.


In 1968 the revolutionary festival spirit broke out once more,

Enhanced by the Situationists’ declaration

That it was the revolution’s job to serve poetry

Not the job of poetry to serve the revolution.

Heathcote Williams was a poet, playwright, author and actor. His first book, The Speakers, was published in 1964. A portrait of the orators at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, it was  greeted with critical acclaim. He went on to write his epic poems Whale Nation, Autogedden, Sacred Elephant and Falling for a Dolphin, which were all published by Jonathan Cape and released as audiobooks by Naxos. Heathcote's first full length play, AC/DC, won a hat-trick of prestigious awards. His other plays include The Local Stigmatic, The Immortalist and Hancock's Last Half Hour. More recent works: Badshah Khan: Islamic Peace Warrior (Thin Man Press), a play about Christopher Marlowe, Killing Kit, due to be staged at the Cockpit, and a play about squatting and the homeless, The Ruff Tuff Cream Puff Estate Agency and Frestonia Rules OK? due to be workshopped by Cardboard Citizens.

And now interconnected activists

Tuned to a global brain

Can operate horizontally, without leaders,

To derail the hierarchical train


That drives a system dominated by oligarchs –

The corporate oligarchs of the one per cent –

Whose wealth spawns the tent-cities of the homeless

And who rule with no one’s consent.




And where property prices guarantee that the poor

Find themselves economically cleansed;

Where the disabled are deliberately disconnected

And the animal kingdom’s condemned.




The idea of revolution is essentially poetic,

Coming out of the soul like a rocket,

From something within that’s barbaric and wild –

To make the most exciting thing on the planet.


Like poetry, revolution gives you permission

To live on a higher level

And its reward is the sensation of challenging

The world, the flesh and the devil.

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bedroom tax
Sheriff Stars

thistles stretch their prickly arms afar

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prickling the politics of "permanent austerity"

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