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Gerard Sarnat won the Poetry in the Arts First Place Award plus the Dorfman Prize, has been nominated for Pushcarts and authored four collections: Homeless Chronicles (2010), Disputes (2012), 17s (2014) and Melting The Ice King (2016) which included work published by Oberlin, Brown, Columbia, Johns Hopkins and in Gargoyle, American Journal of Poetry (Margie), Main Street Rag, MiPOesias, New Delta Review, Brooklyn Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Voices Israel, Tishman Review, Suisun Valley Review, Burningwood Review, Fiction Southeast, Junto, Tiferet plus featured in New Verse News, Eretz, Avocet, LEVELER, tNY, StepAway, Bywords, Floor Plan, Good-Man-Project, Anti-Heroin-Chic, Poetry Circle, Fiction Southeast, Walt Whitman Tribute Anthology and Tipton Review. 'Amber Of Memory' was the single poem chosen for Sarnat's 50th college reunion symposium on Bob Dylan. Mount Analogue selected Sarnat’s sequence, Kaddish for the Country, for pamphlet distribution on Inauguration Day 2017 as part of the Washington DC and nationwide Women’s Marches. For Huffington Post/other reviews, readings, publications, interviews; visit Harvard/Stanford-educated, Sarnat's worked in jails, built/staffed clinics for the marginalized, been a CEO and Stanford Med professor. Married for a half century, Gerry has three kids and four grandkids so far.

Gerard Sarnat



1. Trump Doctrine: We’re America, Bitch.


Vlad’s body language barely tolerating

dolt POTUS’s press shtick opening Helsinki says a lot.


Current perspective: there was a time not so very long ago

when I wasn’t exactly sure who was preferable --

an incompetent narcissist, or Trump being replaced

by a run-of-the-mill right-wing social conservative ideologue

who could get lots of long-term bad stuff done with a Republican Congress.  


Grass may always appear greener, but given here and now present dangers,

Pence seems less likely to try to deconstruct the whole world order.



3. Donald Trump’s Shuck ‘N Jivin’


It’s a hundred and nine on the deck

Redwood to be exact

Which requires sanding & varnish

About every few years

To keep boards not rotting through.


But my four grandkids

Watch Jose’s undocumented crew

Slave away doing best

Odd jobs they can so we might tell

Neighbors to use them.


One asks, Why don’t you feel guilty

Eating sweet watermelon

As these men sweat outside?, so we

Offer, Please all come in

Our home for cold H2O bottles +slices.

Poor Doors
Sheriff Stars

thistles stretch their prickly arms afar

Black Triangle
bedroom tax
Disrupt and Upset
bedroom tax
Sheriff Stars

thistles stretch their prickly arms afar

Black Triangle
Disrupt and Upset

Militant Thistles

prickling the politics of "permanent austerity"

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