David Subacchi
More For Less
In the end, when they’d given up
On delayering
And customer charters,
When they’d exhausted
Flattening the pyramid
And 360 degree appraisals.
When they’d squeezed dry
The orange of goodwill,
Until only hollow,
Slimy skin remained
To soften
Their trembling fists,
They brought them down
With a sickening crash
On the rickety table,
Making the crockery
Jump, tinkle and crack,
Then fall broken to the floor.
‘More for less’
They screamed
‘We want
More for less
Just more
For less!’
David Subacchi lives in Wales, where he was born of Italian roots. He studied at the University of Liverpool and has four published collections of his English language poetry and one in Welsh. www.writeoutloud.net/profiles/davidsubacchi
Give Us Our Trains Back
Give us our trains back,
Renationalize the lot,
Don’t forget the track,
We want everything they’ve got
And please don’t pay
Loads of compensation,
They owe us a packet
For all their disruption.
They had an easy ride,
But they made an awful mess,
Give us our trains back,
We want nothing less.
All the stations,
Signal boxes as well
And the ticket sellers
That work in ticket hell.
Give us our trains back,
From Lands’ End to John O’Groats
And don’t give them away again
For the sake of Tory votes!